“正深圳 正青春”短视频大赛通知
2022年11月01日 12:30  浏览量:

正深圳 正青春短视频大赛由深圳市国际交流合作基金会主办,北京大学深圳研究生院、哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)、南方科技大学、清华大学深圳国际研究生院、深圳北理莫斯科大学、深圳大学外国语学院、深圳技术大学、天津大学佐治亚理工深圳学院、香港中文大学(深圳) 9所深圳高校联合主办,并携手欧洲中国留学生创业基金会、日本千代田教育集团、中国留荷学生学者联合会等海外合作伙伴共同开展。“Just Shenzhen Just Young” Video Contest is hosted by Shenzhen Foundation for International Exchange and Cooperation, and co-hosted by 9 Shenzhen colleges and universities.


一、大赛详情 Contest Details

1. 征集时间Submission Period20221031日起至20221130 From October 31, 2022 to November 30, 2022.

2. 参赛人群Participants大赛面向所有短视频拍摄爱好者(包括但不限于海内外高等院校青年学生、教育工作者)The contest is open to all short video shooting enthusiasts (Including but not limited to young students and educators from colleges and universities at home and abroad).

3. 征集内容Categories本次大赛共设置以下四个主题单元There are four categories in the contest.

1)食在深圳Shenzhen Foodie——发掘多元饮食文化&历史,带领我们领略海纳百川、兼容并蓄的舌尖深圳,从五感情感”“归属感,讲述属于你的深圳记。Explore the diversified diet culture & history, lead us to appreciate the inclusive “Bite of Shenzhen” from your five senses to your emotions and feelings. Tell the story of “food” in Shenzhen that only belongs to you.

2乐活深圳Shenzhen LOHAS——发现身边可持续发展的点滴,捕捉深圳蓝深圳绿,从绿色环保、身心健康等方面,记录你的、和你发掘的深活方式。Discover the sustainability around you from the aspects of environmental protection and physical and mental health. Record your “Shenzhen Lifestyle” and your exploration

3高校日常A Day in My Life at ...——深圳城市的创新与活力离不开人才的发展和培养,记录你在高校生活与学习的日常,从国际化创新型等维度展现深圳各高校的突出特点与国际化氛围。The innovation and vitality of Shenzhen cannot be separated from the development and cultivation of young talents. Record your daily life and study at school from such dimensions as “internationalization” and “innovation”. Demonstrate the outstanding characteristics and international atmosphere of Shenzhen’s colleges and universities.

4深圳讨论区Discussion Shenzhen——了解深圳国际化城市建设的规划与举措,从经贸往来、文化交流、社会公益等方面展现深圳在国际合作、对外交往方面的足迹与成就,从硬件设施、软性服务、国际化街区建设等角度探讨深圳建成为现代化国际化创新型城市的现在与未来。Understand the planning and measures of Shenzhen’s international city construction from economic and trade exchanges, cultural exchanges, social public welfare, and other aspects. Demonstrate Shenzhen’s footprint and achievements in international cooperation and exchanges from the perspective of hardware facilities, software services, the construction of international blocks, etc. Awards Discuss the present and future of Shenzhen as a modern, international, and innovative city.


二、大赛荣誉及奖金设置 Adward

1. 金奖(1名)One gold-prize winner5000+获奖证书 5000 yuan each & certificate

2. 银奖(2名)Two silver-prize winners3000+获奖证书 3000 yuan each & certificate

3. 铜奖(3名)Three bronze-prize winners1000+获奖证书 1000 yuan each & certificate

4. 优秀奖(5名)Five excellence-award winners500+获奖证书 500 yuan each & certificate

5. 最佳人气奖(1名)One most popular award“SFIEC国际传播大使荣誉称号及证书 +精美礼品 Honorary title and certificate of “SFIEC International Communication Ambassador” & exquisite gifts

6. 入围奖Finalists prize 荣誉证书+精美周边 certificate of honor & exquisite gifts

 *所有入围参赛个人/团队均有优先参与基金会国际交流活动、城市对外传播活动的资格 All the finalists (individuals/teams) have the priority to participate in the international activities of the Shenzhen Foundation for International Exchange and Cooperation and the activities related to city publicity


三、参赛须知 Instructions

1. 作品要求Entry Requirements

1 作品内容应符合大赛四个主题之一,同时必须体现深圳、国际化,及所在高校的元素(如为在校生/教师)The content of your video should be in line with one of the four categories of the contest, and must reflect the elements of Shenzhen, internationalization, and your university (if you are students/teachers).

2作品形态不限,包含但不限于主播综艺、快闪、短纪录片、VlogThere is no limit to the form of video, including but not limited to the host variety show, flash show, short documentary, and Vlog.

3作品时长应控制在3分钟内,内容完整,结构清晰,逻辑自洽;The duration of the video should be controlled within 3 minutes, with complete content, clear structure, and self-consistent logic.

4作品格式可采用MP4MOVFIVAVI等视频标准格式,画面稳定,画质、声音清晰,视频文件大小不超过200MThe video format can be MP4, MOV, FIV, AVI and other standard formats. Your video should have smooth shots, visual quality and clear audio, and the video file size does not exceed 200M.

5作品语种不限,但须添加中文(简/繁体)或英文字幕The language of the video is not limited, but Chinese (simplified/traditional) or English subtitles must be added.

6个人或团队(不多于6个人)名义参赛均可;You can enter the contest in the name of individual or team (no more than 6 persons).

7大赛不收取报名费,主办方尊重和保留创作者的署名权,不另付报酬;报名参赛即默认主办方对参赛作品拥有非商业性质的宣传使用权There is no registration fee for the contest, and the host respects and retains the authorship of the creator, without additional remuneration. Signing up for the contest means you agree that the host has the right of non-commercial publicity and use of the entries.

8参赛作品不得涉及色情、暴力、宗教与种族及地域歧视等内容,不能与中国法律法规相抵触;严禁剽窃、抄袭,不得植入广告,不能添加水印及logo,不存在知识产权争议。The entries must not involve pornography, violence, religious, racial, and regional discrimination, and must not be against Chinese law and regulations. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. No advertisements, watermarks, or logos in the video. All entries should comply with the copyright laws and there is no intellectual property dispute.


2. 作品提交Submission

步骤一:在新浪微博平台添加话#正深圳正青春#发布视频并@深圳市国际交流合作基金会; Add the tag of #正深圳正青春# on Sina Weibo, upload your video, and @深圳市国际交流合作基金会.

步骤二:同时,请于1130日内,将【参赛作品】发送至邮箱sfiec@sfiec.org.cn,并在邮件中附上【报名表格】【新浪微博ID+视频发布截图】At the same time, please send [entries] to the email sfiec@sfiec.org.cn and attach the [registration form] and [Sina Weibo ID & video release screenshot] in the email.


邮件标题请标注正深圳正青春短视频大赛+姓名(或团队主要联系人姓名)+报名参赛 Please mark the title of the email with “JUST SHENZHEN JUST YOUNG Video Contest + name (or the name of the main contact of the team) + registration”.


(扫描下方二维码,获取【报名表格】文档Scan the QR Code below to get the registration form

温馨提示Tips:请大家认真填写【报名表格】,并按照上述步骤完成报名,以免影响参赛资格。Please fill in the registration form carefully and complete the registration according to the above steps to avoid affecting your qualification of the contest.

 完成上述步骤,即视为参赛,并默认接受视频作品允许被深圳市国际交流合作基金会以非商业目的在各社交平台及官网进行作品公示及相关宣传。After completing the above steps, it will be deemed to be participating, and the video works will be accepted by default and allowed to be publicized by Shenzhen Foundation for International Exchange and Cooperation on various social platforms and official websites for non-commercial purposes.



四、大赛评审团 Contest Judges




五、大赛时间线 Timeline of the Contest

1.1031-11302359作品征集阶段。From October 31 to November 30, 23:59 Video Submission

2.125-128日】最佳人气奖评选阶段。(公众投票方式将于北京时间125日中午12时,在深圳市国际交流合作基金会微信公众号公布)December 5 to December 8 Selection stage of Most Popular Award. The public vote will be held at 12:00 on December 5 (Beijing Time) on the WeChat Official Account of Shenzhen Foundation for International Exchange and Cooperation

3.125-1214日】金、银、铜奖、优秀奖、入围奖评选阶段 December 5 to December 14 Selection stage of Gold, Silver, Bronze Awards, Excellence Awards, Finalists.

4.1215日】大赛获奖作品公示 December 15 Result Announcement

5.2022-2023年度】作品展播 2022-2023 Exhibition of works


本次大赛所有参赛作品将在深圳市国际交流合作基金会海内外社交媒体平台、官网进行发布;All entries of this contest will be published on the domestic and overseas social media platforms and official websites of Shenzhen Foundation for International Exchange and Cooperation.

获奖作品将在国内外主流媒体平台、市级政务类公众号、联合主办高校公众号等宣传平台进行集中展示;The award-winning works will be displayed together on mainstream media platforms at home and abroad, official accounts of co-hosted universities and other publicity platforms.

徽标, 公司名称描述已自动生成




六、联系方式 Contact




地址Address:广东省深圳市福田区深圳国际创新中心B3501 Room 3501, Block B, Shenzhen International Innovation Center, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong


