1. 学校简介
布里斯托大学(University of Bristol),简称布大,始建于1876年,位于英格兰西南部城市布里斯托,为世界百强名校,一流研究型大学,英国老牌名校,是英国著名的六所红砖大学之一。
布里斯托大学在REF 2014 英国大学官方排名中科研实力位列第9名(Top 9 for Research Power),并被评为全英科研质量最好的五所顶尖研究型大学(2014REF: Top 5 for Research Intensity),83%的研究成果达到世界领先水平。以卓越的教学和研究、精湛的设备和高素质的学生与工作人员享誉国际,其工程学院素有“英国工程王国”之称。
2. 项目介绍
Topics |
Introduction |
Application Requirement |
STEM Research Projects 21 July – 28 Aug 20 UoB credits £5395 for HIT students in-Bristol programme |
A summer option with a difference, designed to give ambitious and high-performing students across STEM subjects practical, career- or postgraduate-ready lab skills. Students will earn credit whilst developing their research skills by working on individual projects within our world-leading laboratories and joining research groups in laboratories and research spaces across our award-winning facilities. Projects are offered by our Dental School, Medical School, School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, School of Mathematics, and School of Psychological Science. |
1.GPA 3.0/4.0, or 76% above in HIT grading scheme; 2. IELTS 6.5 with 6.0 in all skills; TOEFL iBT 85 (R20, L20, S21, W20); If you provide CET-4 or CET-6 tests please directly contact Bristol in order to find out what scores they will accept. 3. Complete application form and provide related documents: 1) A current University Transcripts; 2) First and second project choices; 3) A short personal statement (250 words MAX) explaining why you are applying this project; 4) Evidence of your English skills. |
Archaeology Field School 4 July – 17 July 10 UoB credits £2695 for HIT students in-Bristol programme |
A site-based field school teaching students career-ready skills as they excavate a Medieval Anarchy building complex. A time of civil war, unrest, and dynastic struggle, the Medieval Anarchy (1135-1153) represents a real life ‘Game of Thrones’ and was a dynamic and critical juncture in British history. Students will learn anthropological and archaeological practical techniques, as well as how to contextualize their finds within their historic and geographic landscapes. Open to all but especially suited to anthropology, archaeology, history and humanities students. |
1. GPA 3.0/4.0, or 76% above in HIT grading scheme; 2. IELTS 6.5 with 6.5 in all skills; TOEFL iBT 88 (R22, L21, S23, W22); If you provide CET-4 or CET-6 tests please directly contact Bristol in order to find out what scores they will accept. 3. Complete short application and form and submit the following: 1) A current University Transcripts; 2) A short personal statement (250 words MAX) explaining why you are applying this summer school; 3) Evidence of English skills. |
Arts, Activism and Social Justice 13 June – 2 July 10 UoB credits £895 for HIT students Virtual programme |
A summer school that gives students the chance to directly contribute to a city-wide movement of change, underway within the Bristol community. The summer school will include students from within the University of Bristol community, and local Bristolians. It will involve a combination of reflective project work, Q&A sessions, lectures, and city-led workshops. The summer school offers a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous learning. Open to all but especially suited to students who are active within their local community and interested in UK points of comparison. |
1. GPA 3.0/4.0, or 76% above in HIT grading scheme; 2. IELTS 6.5 with 6.5 in all skills; TOEFL iBT 88 (R22, L21, S23, W22); If you provide CET-4 or CET-6 tests please directly contact Bristol in order to find out what scores they will accept. 3. Complete short application and form and submit the following: 1) A current University Transcripts; 2) A short personal statement (250 words MAX) explaining why you are applying this summer school; 3) A short statement (300 words MAX) about your experience with art, activism and social justice; 4) Evidence of English skills. |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 25 July – 14 Aug 10 UoB credits £2795 for HIT students in-Bristol programme |
A collaborative summer school focused on guiding students through the process of planning and pitching a start-up business, with local business engagement throughout. Delivered by our award-winning Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, this is a summer school that will teach students how to change their big idea into an innovative reality and challenge them to see the world differently. Open to all but especially suited to students who are interested in entrepreneurship or solution-focused learning. |
1. GPA 3.0/4.0, or 76% above in HIT grading scheme; 2. IELTS 6.5 with 7.0 in Reading and Listening, no skill below 6.0; TOEFL iBT 88 (R24, L22, S21, W20); If you provide CET-4 or CET-6 tests please directly contact Bristol in order to find out what scores they will accept. 3. Complete short application and form and submit the following: 1) A current University Transcripts; 2) A short personal statement (250 words MAX) explaining why you are applying this summer school; 3) Evidence of English skills.
Shakespeare in Performance 25 July – 14 Aug 10 UoB credits £2795 for your students in-Bristol programme |
A summer school that focuses on learning through doing and witnessing, suited to any student interested in exploring performance history, the mechanics of theatre, and in immersing themselves in the UK’s vibrant performing arts scene. Led by our Department of Theatre, the first of its kind in the UK, this summer school combines workshops, theatre visits, and archival research in a dynamic programme. Open to all but especially suited to performing arts, theatre, humanities, English literature or arts students. |
1. GPA 3.0/4.0, or 76% above in HIT grading scheme; 2. For UG: IELTS 7.0 with 7.0 in Writing and 6.5 in all other skills; TOEFL iBT 95 (R22, L21, S23, W24); For PG: IELTS 6.5 with 6.5 in all skills; TOEFL iBT 95 (R22, L21, S23, W22); If you provide CET-4 or CET-6 tests please directly contact Bristol in order to find out what scores they will accept. 3. Complete short application and form and submit the following: 1) A current University Transcripts; 2) A short personal statement (250 words MAX) explaining why you are applying this summer school; 3) Evidence of English skills.
STEM 研究项目分为五个研究方向,其中数学方向较为适合我校学生。该主题下设两个议题:
Project 1: Low-Dimensional Representations of Networks
Project 2: Modelling Epidemics and Countermeasures
(2)项目时间: 2021年6月-8月,具体项目时间请见上方表格或点击上方链接。
(4)费用金额:上表所注已为布里斯托大学合作伙伴院校的学生可享受的费用金额。参加该项目的同学可在结束后申请哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)本科生国际交流项目资助,具体要求请见官网: http://global.hitsz.edu.cn/info/1207/1395.htm。
1. 有申报意向的同学,请就学分认定和补修课程等事宜征求教学院长意见后,填写《哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)本科生交流项目申请表》(附件1)和《哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)本科生交流期间课程学习计划表》(附件2)。
2. 请于项目申请截止日期前自行登录官网申报。项目申请渠道:https://airtable.com/shrMerNPINBgvup4r。
3. 被录取的学生需携带对方学校录取通知书(或电子版通知书)、签字后的纸质版材料(附件1、附件2)至教务部(H612)履行请假手续,签署《本科生交流学习知悉书》后,方可赴外学习。
4. 参加该项目的学生如需学分认定,在获得交流成绩单或证书后,填写《哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)本科生交流学习学分认定表》(附件3),由所在学院教学院长审核签字后,交至教务部(H612)。学分认定时间为2021年秋季学期开学后第1-16周,逾期视为自动放弃。
5. 为培养选派学生独立自主学习和沟通能力,请申请学生本人致电咨询。
6. 联系人:
如有意向申请该项目,或对申请材料(Personal Statement、Evidence of English Skills等)、出境手续等事宜存在疑惑,请咨询国际事务处/港澳台办公室于老师,电话:26038621,微信号:18924594219,邮箱:yujing2020@hit.edu.cn。